Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New journey

Yeah... my 3 years in uni ends soon, though I'm taking 3 papers and it takes me only 3 days to sit for my exam out of the 1 month exam period..haha... the most relaxing semester I have. It's a time to step into another phase of my life where I'm not fully prepared for it. I miss the uni life alot, spending time with friends, having flexible hours of studying, lepaking and day dreaming. I don't think I'll have this kind of life once I step into the working world... I start missing it...should I continue studying?? haha... never cross my mind for the meantime. Oh...let's cherish the remaining time I have, breathing more of uni air, have some uni food (though some of my friends may not treasure the uni food, I some sort of like it, haha).

I trust that God has a purpose in putting me in UM at the 1st place. I never regret stepping into this place, learning from people around me. I've grown alot spiritually, mentally and emotionally. I learn to be more independant. Discover the strength and weaknesses in my life that I never discover. Discover how silly and lame I can become and yet being serious when it is necessary. I know that when I look back the time I spent in uni in next few years, I'll surely thank God for the up and down moments I experienced in uni. Surely everything that happens in life is not a coinsidence but it's journey that God has prepared for me in order to continue to lead me for my next phase of life.

My uni... I'll miss you eventhough there are bad moments too. Coz He has used this place to build me up and He will continue to do so wherever I will end up to be in my future.

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